Harbor leaders will consider Monday three measures that could help give relief to truck drivers, shippers and other supply chain stakeholders feeling the pinch from bottlenecks at the Port of Long Beach.
News / Brian Higgs
American Trucking Associations
American Trucking Associations’advanced seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index jumped 3.5% in November, following an increase of 0.5% during the previous month. In November, the index equaled 136.8 (2000=100), which was the highest level on record.
In a 138-word notice posted on its website, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Thursday morning issued the official notice that the 34-hour restart rule in place since July 1, 2013, had been suspended per the action of Congress and the signature of President Barack Obama in passing the $1.1 trillion spending bill.
“The LEI rose sharply in October, with all components gaining over the previous six months,” said Ataman Ozyildirim, Economist at The Conference Board. “Despite a negative contribution from stock prices in October, and minimal contributions from new orders for consumer goods and average workweek in manufacturing, the LEI suggests the U.S. expansion continues to be strong.”
You probably heard about the most recent talks about the importance of a spending bill passing in Congress to avoid a government shutdown. You may have missed the rather surprising changes to the hours of service (HOS) regulations that were also on the docket.
The union for 20,000 dockworkers and a group of their employers at 29 U.S. West Coast ports say they are making slow but steady progress in months-long contract talks seen by the shipping industry as a contributing factor in chronic cargo backups.
Effective today, 12/15/14, the MIQ Logistics San Francisco office will now be located at:
MIQ Global, LLC
601 Gateway Blvd., Suite 1220
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Tired of the Los Angeles and Long Beach port congestion that has delayed shipments, Brian Jablon considered every other option to avoid delivering his toy goods through the twin ports.