Noatum Logistics Completes Acquisition of the Multinational MIQ Logistics. Read more.

News / Brian Higgs

U.S. Unemployment

On Thursday 8/7/14, the Burea of Labor Statistics released their latest “Employment Situation Summary”. For the month of July, total nonfarm payroll employment witnessed an increase of 209,000; with the current U.S. unemployment rate at 6.2%.

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Canadian Customs (CBSA) Announces Trade Compliance Verification Priorities

The CBSA manages trade compliance with the Tariff Classification, Valuation, and Origin programs using the following two post-release verification processes: (1.) Random verifications and, (2.) Verification priorities.

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New Harmonized System standards to enter into force on 1 January 2017

The new version of the HS includes 234 sets of amendments. Environmental and social issues are a major feature of these amendments, due to the importance of the HS as a global tool for collecting trade statistics and monitoring trade.

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July 2014 Manufacturing ISM Report on Business

Economic activity in the manufacturing sector climbed in July; for the 14th consecutive month:

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MIQ Logistics Recognized for Industry Leadership, Versatility

OVERLAND PARK, Kan., July 31, 2014Global Trade magazine named MIQ Logistics one of America’s Top 3PLs (third-party logistics providers) and one of the Top 10 providers in its Most Versatile category. The magazine will publish its complete list of leading 3PLs in the September/October issue.

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July 2014 Logistics Link

Welcome to the July 2014 Logistics Link, the MIQ Logistics monthly newsletter

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Trusted Trader Program

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced a plan to unify the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (“C-TPAT”) and Importer Self-Assessment (“ISA”) programs under a new test program called the “Trusted Trader Program.” 

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U.S. Economic Summary – July 2014

“Consumer confidence increased for the third consecutive month and is now at its highest level since October 2007 (95.2). Strong job growth helped boost consumers’ assessment of current conditions, while brighter short-term outlooks for the economy and jobs, and to a lesser extent personal income, drove the gain in expectations. Recent improvements in consumer confidence, in particular expectations, suggest the recent strengthening in growth is likely to continue into the second half of this year.” – The Conference Board

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TPEB Peak Season Surcharge and Bunker Fuel Adjustments

The announced levels for Transpacific Eastbound Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) and Bunker Fuel Adjustments from the carriers are listed below.

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Creating Value

ATA Truck Tonnage Index Decreased in June

The American Trucking Assoications’ advanced seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage was reported to have declined in the month of June by 0.8%; this followed a increase in May of 0.9%.

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